Your Executive Board
We’re Working For You!
The Executive Board consists of seven (7) members of whom the President is the Chairperson. The other members consist of Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee, Bargaining Unit Representative, and the Political Action Coordinator.
President – Dean Bastin
The President acts as spokesman for the Executive Board in all matters that the Executive Board is authorized to act on. The President will preside and conduct the business of all regular and special membership meetings, committees, meetings with the District, and lead the local negotiations and much more.
Vice-President – Nich Gullickson
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President assuming and holding all rights, duties, and privileges of the office.
Treasurer – Hak-Soo Kim
The Treasurer shall receive all dues, revenues, and assessments of the local. They shall draw and sign all vouchers, prepare monthly financial statements, keep and maintain all records and bank/fund accounts in current condition, and be ready for audit for the local and much more.
Secretary – Josh Bellinghausen
The Secretary keeps and maintains a record of minutes for all meetings by the Executive Board and General Membership, maintains a copy of the current Constitution By-Laws, supervises all voting, and maintains updated memberships records with the IAFF and WSCFF and much more.
Trustee – Jake Wassall
The Trustee will be the liaison between the Executive Board and the Members. The Trustee shall review monthly vouchers and financial reports and audit the Executive Board’s actions so that they follow the proper By-Laws, Procedures, and Policies. He shall act in the best interest of the Members. The Trustee shall perform the annual audit required by the IAFF and much more.
Vice-President – Joel Barrett (Battalion Chief Bargaining Unit)
The Vice-President will be the liaison between the Executive Board and the Members of their bargaining unit and perform duties assigned by the President.
Vice-President – Jason Fent (Non-LEOFF Bargaining Unit)
The Vice-President will be the liaison between the Executive Board and the Members of their bargaining unit and perform duties assigned by the President.
Political Action Coordinator – Kelly Salvage
The Political Action Coordinator (PAC) acts as the Executive Board liaison with elected officials at the local and state levels. The PAC chairs the Political Action Committee and works with the fire department administrative team during elections as the primary labor representative. Additionally, the PAC attends the state legislature sessions and lobbies on behalf of the local union. In their duties, the PAC will assess the viability of candidates for the receipt of the local’s endorsement and, conversely solicit their endorsements for election campaigns.
IAFF Local 2024
31617 1st Ave S
Federal Way, WA. 98003